The excellent Cognitive Edge courses are running again soon - I'm due to be teaching with Michael in Toronto in May - details are here. (The venue isn't confirmed yet, but that's a decision depending on how many people we get turning, so go ahead and book quickly!)

There are four courses on offer, and you can take any combination of 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-day courses as appropriate.  The content is excellent and I'd highly recommend them.

The breakdown is:

  • Day 1: Understanding Complexity
  • Day 2: The Cynefin Framework
  • Day 3: The Organisation and Knowledge
  • Day 4: The Use of Narrative

(Michael is teaching the first day on his own, then we're teaching day two together.  I'm certainly teaching days three and four - with Michael possibly around on day three, but definitely not on day four.)

In addition to the theory and exercises, Michael and I will be sharing recent practices and applications - ranging from national economic development, IT strategy, customer understanding and cultural research.

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