Rule-breaking in government

1 min read
Feb 8, 2007 6:30:00 PM

From the recent Demos email:

Breaking the Rules
What do public servants do when they’re asked to meet targets that just don’t make sense for local people? Increasingly, they break the rules and do the right thing anyway. And when they do, wonderful things can happen. We want to understand how constructive public sector rulebreaking works, and we want to know how we can harness it to uncover innovative new approaches and get better information to inform government goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about this contact Simon Parker or Charlie Edwards at or

I’m encouraged and hopeful about this.  I hope it’s happening and I’m looking forward to seeing what transpires from this piece of work.

Of course, I hope they’re doing it “safe-fail” too [per Dave Snowden’s excellent Cognitive Edge blog]


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